



  船公司名称(英):Hafiz Darya Shipping Lines




  HDS LINES船公司是伊朗一家新近成立的私人公司。日前伊朗航运(IRISL)被卖给HDS LINES,使伊朗航运从此走向HDS LINES 的全新轨道。

  HDS LINES总部在德黑兰,负责处理IRISL业务。HDS LINES中国独资公司上海船公司名称为E-SAIL,中文名为伊航船务有限公司。

  HDS LINES主要部门设置:8名高级员工负责整个HDS LINES公司运作,8名监督北欧商务运作,还有4人负责地中海,波湾,印度次大陆和红海业务。共分为地东,北非和红海营销部门。还有HDS LINES自己独立的单证和客户服务中心。为了更好的开拓市场,HDS LINES还将成立一个专门的服务伊朗/中美和委内瑞拉的销售和营销部门。

  IRISL走上HDS LINES轨道的最新进展:

  从11月22日开始,远东/欧洲/地中海的货物将在HDS LINES运作。12月6日中东航线的货物,也将在HDS LINES运作,IRISL这个品牌将不复存在。

  HDS LINES船公司官方网址:http://www.hdslines.com/


  伊朗国航,全名伊朗伊斯兰共和国航运公司,英文名ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN SHIPPING LINES,简称:IRISL,成立于1967年,命名为Aria Shipping Lines,初期以两艘载重2500Ton的货轮翻开了其在航运业的第一业,到1978年,已经达到了42艘货轮。

  1979年1月,由于经济和政治方面的原因,重命名为Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines,归属到商务部。







  HDS Lines Container Services

  HDS Lines, IMO number 5478431 is a Container Shipping Company incorporated at Tehran, Iran. The company offers “port to port” as well as “multimodal transport shipments” in various routes within and in-between all the continents as described in following schedules:

  Asia Middle East Container Line (AMCL)

  There are three ships of 6500 teus and three vessels of 5100 teus capacity in this run. offering the fastest transit time from all Asian ports to Middle east, connecting ports of Tianjin, Qingdao, Shanghai, Ningbo, Kwangyang, Busan, Kaohsiung, Chiwan, Singapore and Port Klang to Dubai and Bandar Abbas. The other ports in the continents of Asia such ports of Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, East India, Bangladesh, Oceania etc, or all other ports in Persian Gulf are connected by feeder vessels to above named hub ports. The service also offers exclusive calls to ports such as Bushehr, Khorramshahr, Chabahar, BIK, etc.

  Europe Middle East Container Line (EMCL)

  There are 7 ships of 2500-3400 teus in this route, calling ports of Felixstowe, Hamburg, Antwerp, Le Havre, Malta, Damietta, Misurata, Jeddah, Bandar Abbas, and Dubai directly on weekly basis. All other surrounding ports in North Continents, Mediterranean sea, Red sea, Persian Gulf and Indian subcontinents are connected via transshipment. Furthermore there are nine feeder ships in Mediterranean sea under this department which connect ports of Valencia, Barcelona, Genoa, Naples, Venice, Trieste, Koper, Ancona, Malta, Misurata, Tripoli, Al Khoms, Ben Ghazi, Tunisia, and Algerian ports of Algiers, Skikda, Oran, Bejaya as well as east Med. ports such as all Turkish ports, Lattakia, Beirut, Greece and Cuprus to the main haul.

  Asia , Mediterranean, Europe Line (AMEL)

  Eight ships of 3300 teu to 4400 teus capacity are operated under this line which call directly at ports of Shanghai, Ningbo, Chiwan, Laem Chabang, Singapore, Port Klang, Nhava Sheva, Karachi, Jeddah, Damietta, Malta, Valencia and Genoa. The service provides full coverage of all Asian ports either directly or transshipment via said ports to all ports of Europe, Indian Sub-continents, Red sea and east and west Mediterranean sea including North African ports. There are exclusive areas such as North Africa and Direct calls at Thailand ports covered by this service which has been very much welcomed by the trade.

  Container Logistics & Intermodal Department

  This department is in charge of supply, control and track of containers in all sectors in which HDS Lines is offering container services. Container Supply Affair of HDS Lines has currently a healthy stock of over 245,000 teus containers of various sizes and types in operation all over the world and has no restriction to supply the customers’ container requirements at places of needs.

  State of Art Software System

  The ACTS ( Automated Container Total Solution) software system of HDS Lines furnishes customers with on-line container tracking and tracing through web, and similar service under SMS is also available. Besides, On line freight inquiry and documentation process is another value added service that HDS Lines is currently offering to her esteemed customers.

  Management and Closing Remarks

  HDS Lines is very pleased to assure her valued customers that they will receive standard and quality level of services in all fields. However we shall be pleased to receive your valuable comments and guidelines in any fields of commercial and operational interests.



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公司地址:广东省广州市番禺区东环路449-451号云星广场A座412-413室 邮政编码:511400
客服信箱:rate#touchtrans.com(改#为@) 客服QQ: 1508197927 客服电话:020-84508356,15802033215
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